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Um mi ume (Swiss German) 
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UmMiUme is a project by Adrian Herzog.

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2023-03-08, This website.

2022-11-16, Stability: Refactoring of the internal logging system to better recognise significant problems.

2022-10-12, Cookie support: Favorite locations and “at Home” locations editable and stored as cookies. Login features removed. Minor UI changes. Trying to get a publishable state.

2022-07-20, UI Changes: App starts with favourites and popular channels. Result page without map (but map as a separate tab). Problems with initial zooming of map.

2022-01-03, Themes and Channels: Select other themes and channels ⬇

2021-10-05, Complete new structure: Restructuring the app structure: homogeneous information per panel. Formerly at some points there were additional information units below the main things. It was easy to overlook them.

2021-09-15, Backend: Actualisation of various channels is now automated during the night using different renewal intervals.

2021-04-30, Altitude: The altitude information is now always direct at the top of the page. Some experiments with swisstopo open data. And a lot of small changes behind the scenes, e.g. automatisation of data updates.

2020-12-31, Favorites: In order to have some basic information at start time as well, there is now a favourites section at the top of the main page. The favourites can be selected by clicking on the star symbol next to the channel title. Another test.

2020-10-23, Foursquare: Small test with Foursquare API.

2020-08-20, Infinite Scrolling: First test. Works in a base mode for channels from the database. Caution: many channels are not yet ready for this feature.

2020-08-17, Login: /removed Test for Login. Sign-in and sign-up not yet working. Concept pending

2020-08-02, Channel Selection Tab: Click on the start icon moves selected channel to the favorit section.

2020-04-30, Test Startup Tab: Some channels are defined as startup channels and loaded at startup. However, there is not yet an interface for managing these favorites.

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